UK Coaching

Location: Leeds | Date: March 2021 | Size: 5,500sqft

An office proving that it’s not how much space you have, but what you do with the space that counts. UK Coaching went from a 12,000 sqft premises, to a much smaller floorplate that works much harder for the business. Teams were previously disjointed and split across multiple floors, but the new environment brings teams together in a central and agile hub promoting activity-based working.

Through a series of collaborative design workshops with UK Coaching, our workplace specialists were able to decipher exactly how employees needed to use their space to assist us in creating a supportive and engaging environment. This allowed us to design and deliver a bespoke concept that supports all employees and their activities. The new open plan workspace is agile and flexible, featuring a balance of fixed desk space, private meeting rooms, collaborative tables, breakout booths and a breakfast bar. Special features include a stadium-inspired auditorium for group meetings and presentations, and a running track around the office space to facilitate walking meetings and encourage movement at work.


During and After



Check out our recent office projects: