Veterinary Interior Design Solutions to Comfort Pets and People


Did you know that interior design impacts mood, emotion and trust? It’s because of this, that the interior design of your veterinary practice is so important!

You do a fantastic job of looking after your furry patients and owners, but it’s safe to say that a trip to the vets can be daunting for many owners and their animals. Because of this, any efforts to help comfort them will not only result in happy customers, but help you to stand out from the crowd as a business!

Take a look at our top tips on how to use veterinary interior design to comfort pets and people, featuring many cheesy pet puns - we’re not even sorry!  


1.       Purr-fectly placed brand colours


If you’re looking to create a stand-out veterinary clinic interior that makes visitors feel welcome and at ease, try to steer away from an overly white and clinical space. Introducing colour can make your space feel more welcoming, friendly and positive.

As a starting point, featuring your brand colours throughout your interior not only enhances your brand identity, but can help you shape an environment that helps to put visitors as ease as they walk through your doors.


2.       Soft fur-nishings

In an attempt to minimise a clinical appearance even further, soft touches in the form of furnishings can also help. Being comfortable physically helps people to feel more comfortable mentally. And you know what they say, happy owner, happy pet!

Consider cushions to soften seating benches, and opt for comfortable chairs that are practical but less formal than your typical waiting room furniture.  


3.       Feature natural materials


Balance your sterile environment with softer, natural materials, such as wood. This really helps to warm a space and help to comfort visitors. There are various ways to introduce these materials into your vet clinic interior, such as through the furniture and furnishings you feature.

For example, a feature reception desk made of wood can instantly go against the norm of a clinical veterinary interior whilst offering a statement design feature!


4.       A professional interior reflects professional services

In addition to creating a vet clinic interior that oozes friendliness and approachability, it’s important to still reflect your professional nature as a veterinary practice. A professional interiors positions your clinic as a professional business, and can help with customers trusting you to look after their pets. Your interior design speaks volumes about your services, so it’s important that it reflects them accurately. You can reflect professionalism through the finish and quality of your interior.


5.       Have some fun!

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Another way to help comfort your visitors is to introduce some fun, light-hearted elements. Show the personality of your practice!

Okay, so humour might be wasted on four-legged friends, but it can certainly help to benefit your human customers. Fun wall signs or artwork can add some personality to your space and help put your customer’s mind at ease.


It’s time to un-leash the potential of your veterinary clinic interior to not only position yourself ahead of the competition, but create a loyal customer base of pet-owners who trust you to look after their animals.

The truth is, it’s hard to find the time to focus on your interior whilst you’re busy saving the day. We can become an extension of your practice as a trustworthy design and build company able to shape your interior into a professional, friendly and industry-leading clinic.

Chat to us today to get the ball rolling and discuss your veterinary clinic interior!