Save on the Cost of Moving Premises by Adapting Your Existing One


There comes a point for many companies where changes to their team and business lead to the consideration of an office move, and this may be brought on prematurely for some businesses as they re-think their business model and workspace following COVID-19.

Sometimes it’s expansion, or perhaps having a remote workforce during the pandemic has made you re-think the purpose of your workplace. Alternatively, you may be looking for more space that allows your team to socially distance whilst at work. Whatever the reason for bringing you to consider moving from your current premises, it is important to make the right decision for your business and its people.

Moving to a new premises might feel like the only option to get the workspace you need, but this might not be the case. It’s time to adapt!

How to Adapt Your Workspace

Adapt is the word on everyone’s lips at the moment – we’re all adapting in our personal and professional lives to the changes that the global pandemic has brought on, and it would be a shame to ignore the changes we have experienced and the challenges we have all overcome to get to the point we’re at now. Many employees have learnt to work from home and businesses have adapted to a remote workforce. Not to mention the concept of safety at work now being at a heightened level to what was previously considered in many cases.

-          Re-Define the Workplace and its Purpose

In order to make the relevant adaptations to bring your workspace in line with the needs of your team, it’s important to define the purpose of your workspace.

We’re also re-imagining the workplace and what it will be for ourselves and for our clients going forward. Teams have proved that they can work to full productivity away from the office, so many businesses are likely to allow remote working to continue to some extent going forward. Because of this, there may no longer be a need for a fixed workstation per employee.

For some, the office will no longer be a 9-5 place, but instead a hub that brings employees together as and when they need. This shift in purpose will have a massive impact on what the workplace needs to look like, which makes adapting it to suit is so important.

-          Re-assess Your Furniture

Re-defining your workplace is likely going to affect the furniture you need within your workspace. Your furniture has an impact on the space you have available, as well as its ability to fulfil the needs of your team.

Companies expecting to have less employees in the office at any given time, for example, will be able to reduce the number of desks currently in their space, which leaves more room for social distancing or the ability to add variety through different types of furniture, such as soft seating to expand breakout space. .

For those re-imagining the office as a sociable hub, removing desks to make way for collaborative furniture, such as benches and booths, will help you prepare the workspace for these changes.

-          Revise Your Floorplan

Ultimately, the key to adapting your workspace to better suit, lies with your floorplan. All spaces have potential, but it can be hard to see sometimes. Our space planning experts are able to see through your existing setup to re-configure your space and optimise it to the number of people you require and the activities your space needs to fulfil.

We’ve even worked with companies who had planned to move due to ambitions expansion plans, such as the expectation to double their workforce within a year, to instead optimise their current space and save on the cost and hassle of moving premises as a result.

The office environment is hugely important to the productivity and wellbeing of employees, so it is imperative that you have a workspace that works for your business. It’s also important to know all of the options available to you.

If you’re interested to know whether your current premises can be adapted to better suit your business. get in touch and we’d be happy to assess it for you!