5 Health and Wellbeing Resolutions to Set as an Office

5 Health and Wellbeing Resolutions to Set as an Office

Most of us start the year with the best intentions of making the upcoming year the best one yet, and resolutions are a great way of helping to make this happen. Even if resolutions end up being broken, at least the intention is there!

New year's resolutions don't have to be limited to the personal targets you set yourself, though. New year's resolutions for the office are a great way to start 2020 on the right track as a team. With so many people focusing on their health and wellbeing after Christmas and the new year, why not bring this into the workplace? Consider the following health and wellbeing workplace resolutions!

1. Give credit where it's due

Positive feedback is extremely important to the wellbeing of employees, and setting out on a mission to engage in positive feedback as a team is a great way to boost happiness, wellbeing and growth at work.

Although criticism is beneficial when constructive, consider setting an office resolution that encourages the whole team to thank and praise colleagues when it's deserved. This small step can go a long way in creating a supportive workplace culture.

2. Take lunch breaks

Workplace Resolutions

It's far too easy to get caught up in work and deprive yourself of an all important lunch break. Heck, even we do it! So, why not turn a lunch break into your workplace resolution instead? Taking a break from work, even if only for a short period of time, has many benefits. It helps employees to return to their tasks with more energy and enthusiasm, and also helps to prevent burnout. Skipping lunch can lead to unhealthy eating habits, which ultimately affects health and productivity. Additionally, eating lunch at your desk is a big wellbeing faux pas!

On this note, employees need to have space to move to if they are expected to enjoy their lunch away from their desk. Breakout areas have many benefits to employees, one being that employees have the opportunity to escape their desk and enjoy their lunch, without having to leave the building.

If your workspace is lacking a breakout area, talk to us! We can discuss improvements to your workspace.

3. Healthy snacks in the office

If you're interested in setting healthy new year's resolutions that can apply to the workplace, setting out a mission to offer and eat more healthy snacks in the office is a great resolution to set. We're all guilty of indulging in unhealthy snacks and it's far too easy to do. If your office is guilty of this too, set yourselves a workplace resolution to stock up on healthy snacks in the office.

4. Physical exercise


Finding the time to exercise and get those steps in can be difficult when you're sat at a desk all day. If this sounds familiar, consider more physical exercise as a new year's resolution for the office. Something as simple as a short walk on a lunch break can have amazing benefits. If you want to go the extra mile, why not encourage your team to engage in a yoga class? Or look into ways to encourage exercise out of work, such as by offering gym memberships to employees?

5. Focus on achieving a good work-life balance

Achieving a good work-life balance is crucial to the health and wellbeing of your office staff, but all too many people don't achieve it. From an employer's point of view, it's in your business' best interest to make sure your staff are able to switch off after work and have a break. Without this, employees can quickly burn out and this can not only affect their performance, but also their health and happiness.

Why not set yourself a workplace resolution to make sure people shut off from work at the end of the day, when they should? If people are unable to do so, dig deeper into the reasons why and try and find ways to better manage work.

The new year is a fantastic excuse to focus on bettering yourself at work and improving your workplace as a whole. The purpose of setting workplace resolutions is to benefit everyone, and it's much more fun when everyone is involved and working towards the same goal!

Get in touch if you'd like to find out how to create a workspace that supports your health and wellbeing goals in 2020.